Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation Global Relief Efforts
By Sophie X. Song, Ida Eva Zielinska
Published #65 | Summer 2022 Issue

The Brazil Service Center holds an opening ceremony for its Chinese language class on March 19, hoping to attract local residents to volunteer with Tzu Chi through learning Chinese. Photo/Shouyong Chen
Due to torrential rain, many rivers flood at the end of January in Ecuador’s Cotopaxi Province, damaging roads and displacing residents in Pujilí County. Tzu Chi volunteers travel to the area to assess the disaster immediately after roads reopen on March 15. Photo/Tzu Chi Ecuador

Dominican Republic
The Catholic Archdiocese of Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic received 4,000 bags of rice from Tzu Chi Taiwan. Tzu Chi Dominican Republic Service Center volunteers launch an event on March 4 to provide rice to charitable organizations and families in need so that people won’t go hungry. Photo/Tzu Chi Dominican Republic
On February 25, an earthquake hit Pasaman Barat. Tzu Chi Indonesia volunteers from Padang go to the disaster area on February 26, 27, and March 3 to help those affected. When they distribute bread and milk to children who have been living in a temporary shelter for five days, they see immediate smiles and receive thanks from parents. Photo/Tzu Chi Indonesia

The Philippines
Tzu Chi volunteers in the Philippines go to one of The Sisters of Mary Girlstown Schools and then Boystown Schools on March 26 and March 31, respectively, to donate 2,400 kilograms of rice. Photo/Tzu Chi Philippines
On April 12, Tzu Chi holds a ground-breaking ceremony for the third Tzu Chi village in Mozambique, the Metuchira Great Love Village. Local government officials and developers attend and watch a dramatic performance recounting the differing stories of two families that previously received a house from Tzu Chi. One family was content, worked diligently, and took good care of the home, so they lived happily; the other family lazed about so that even though they now had a house, their lives remained destitute. Photo/Tzu Chi Mozambique

When the Veli Aga Mosque in Istanbul, near the El Menahil International School that Tzu Chi helped establish, runs out of funding for construction and asks for assistance, the Tzu Chi Turkey Service Center hosts a fundraising campaign to help. Photo/Abdullah Khtib