Tzu Chi USA Relief Efforts

By Adriana DiBenedetto


Buddha Day Ceremony

On May 13, 2023, community members of diverse faith traditions join together for Vesak – or Buddha Day. On this auspicious occasion, celebrated at its headquarters in San Dimas, California, Tzu Chi USA holds a triple celebration for Mother’s Day, Buddha Day, and Tzu Chi Day. Photo/Shuli Luo

On May 14, 2023, nearly 1,300 Tzu Chi volunteers and guests assemble at the Tzu Chi USA Headquarters in San Dimas, California, for a reverent Buddha Day prayer event. For members of Tzu Chi and the global Tzu Chi family, the celebration is a long-awaited observance that is grounded in awareness of all sentient beings and the planet. Photo/Wesley Tsai

Disaster Relief

Following destructive tornadoes in Sullivan County, Indiana, at the beginning of April 2023, Tzu Chi USA Midwest Region volunteers bring emergency disaster relief and emotional comfort to impacted residents, with 61 households receiving cash cards loaded with $800 each to spend on their most pressing needs. Photo/Tzu Chi USA Media Team

On May 9, a team of volunteers from the Tzu Chi USA Headquarters, Northwest, and Midwest Region gather in St Louis, Missouri, for the 2023 National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD) Conference to share Tzu Chi’s disaster relief experience. Photo/Ting Fan

Community Service

On April 8, 2023, young leaders from Tzu Chi USA’s Headquarters Region in San Dimas, California, host an Earth Day Carnival, featuring interactive activities, educational booths, and eco-friendly workshops to promote environmental awareness and encourage sustainable living practices. Photo/Tzu Chi USA Media Team

Recognized for their service to families in San Bernardino since 1996, Tzu Chi USA is honored with an Outstanding Community Partner award by the San Bernardino Unified School District on April 18, 2023. Photo/Tzu Chi USA Media Team

Filing tax returns can be a daunting process. Tzu Chi USA’s regional chapters across the United States offer free tax preparation services through the annual Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program, helping individuals and families receive the support they need. Photo/Tzu Chi USA Media Team

On May 4, 2023, Tzu Chi Vision Mobile Clinic in Fresno, California, celebrates having provided its 5,000th pair of prescription glasses in affiliation with See 2 Succeed, a local nonprofit partner that works with schools in the Central Valley to offer free eye exams and glasses for children in underserved communities. Photo/Tzu Chi USA Media Team


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