Tzu Chi USA Relief Efforts

By Ida Eva Zielinska

Providing Ongoing Disaster Relief in Hawaii

On September 3, Tzu Chi hosts its second wildfire relief distribution on Maui, providing much-needed monetary aid and a hand to hold, delivering genuine compassion and care to 301 households. Photos/Dan Ferrara

Honoring Dharma Master Cheng Yen’s Contributions

The “Symposium on Ven. Cheng Yen’s Philosophy and Leadership” at Harvard University on September 3-4, unites 30 Buddhist scholars from across the globe to explore the teachings and principles of Tzu Chi’s founder, Dharma Master Cheng Yen. Photos/Jack Huang

Volunteers from Nepal, Singapore, and Malaysia gather in Lumbini, Nepal, the birthplace of the Buddha, to organize a sports festival for local children. Running from March 24–28, 2023, students from 25 local schools participate in five wonderful days’ worth of engaging events. Photos/Huang Ju-Cheng

Supporting Community Mental Health

Tzu Chi USA is committed to boosting community health, including mental well-being. To help community residents, Tzu Chi USA collaborated with the California Mental Health Services Authority and Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health to host the “Resilience in Action Summit” on June 10 in California. Photos/Shuli Lo

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