Tzu Chi USA Greater Washington D.C. Region

Written by Tzu Chi USA’s Chinese Writers Team and Ida Eva Zielinska

➊ Washington D.C. Chapter

On April 27, 1999, Washington D.C. volunteers, including in the front row, Yukuei Huang Chen (left), Cinhsia Chou (second left), and Kungchuan Hu (right), meet in the basement of Tuchih Sung’s townhouse to cultivate the Tzu Chi spirit together. Photo/Tzu Chi USA Washington D.C. Chapter


Shihsian Cheng Li (standing), who planted the first seed of the Washington D.C. Chapter, speaks about Tzu Chi in the Chapter’s first office, which was in the basement of a townhouse donated by Tzu Chi volunteer Tuchih Sung. Photo/Tzu Chi USA Washington D.C. Chapter

➋ Richmond Service Center

On June 22, 2003, Tzu Chi volunteers from New Jersey come to Richmond to hold a training session for new volunteers. Photo/Courtesy of Chenghang Chi
On July 5, 2003, Yuying Lin (second right), then head of the Richmond Service Center, travels to Guatemala as part of Tzu Chi’s international disaster relief team. Photo/Tzu Chi USA Richmond Service Center

➌ Raleigh Service Center

Chiasheng Chen (left), who with his wife Yu’e Lin laid the first Tzu Chi seeds in the Mid-Atlantic Region in New Jersey, brings a Tzu Chi flag and hands it over to Fengju Liu (right), then head of the Raleigh Office (later upgraded to the Raleigh Service Center). Photo/Courtesy of Fengju Liu
A photo of the exterior of the Raleigh Service Center in North Carolina, taken on September 21, 2008. Photo/Courtesy of Chenyung Li

➍ Charlotte Office

Meng’i Wu (right), who later became the first head of the Charlotte Office, and her husband, Pengyu Huang (second right), attend the Charlotte Office’s year-end blessing gathering on February 21, 2015. Both have been involved in Tzu Chi for a long time, beginning with their involvement as Tzu Ching (Tzu Chi Collegiate Association members). Photo/Wendy Tsai
Meng’i Wu offers a warehouse of her family's business to house the Charlotte Office, making it easy for Tzu Chi volunteers in the city to organize large-scale meetings and events there, such as the one pictured here. Photo/Wendy Tsai

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