Tzu Chi USA Greater Washington D.C. Region
Written by Tzu Chi USA’s Chinese Writers Team and Ida Eva Zielinska
Published #75 | Winter 2024 Issue
➊ Washington D.C. Chapter
On April 27, 1999, Washington D.C. volunteers, including in the front row, Yukuei Huang Chen (left), Cinhsia Chou (second left), and Kungchuan Hu (right), meet in the basement of Tuchih Sung’s townhouse to cultivate the Tzu Chi spirit together. Photo/Tzu Chi USA Washington D.C. Chapter
Shihsian Cheng Li (standing), who planted the first seed of the Washington D.C. Chapter, speaks about Tzu Chi in the Chapter’s first office, which was in the basement of a townhouse donated by Tzu Chi volunteer Tuchih Sung. Photo/Tzu Chi USA Washington D.C. Chapter