Tzu Chi USA Northeast Region

Written by Tzu Chi USA’s Chinese Writers Team and Ida Eva Zielinska

➊ New York Chapter

On June 16, 1991, the New York Branch holds its inauguration briefing at the Taiwan Center, planting Tzu Chi’s first seed on the East Coast of the United States. In attendance are, in the front row, Minyu Li (left), Chingfeng Chien Han (second left), Meichen Kang (third left), Suying Yang Chen (third right), Amei Kuo (second right) and Meichih Li (right), and in the back row, Huihung Lin (left), Chiouhsiung Chien (second left), Changyao Shih (third left), Yangang Yang (third right), Chijang Kuo (second right), and Yangte Li (right). Photo/Tzu Chi USA New York Chapter 


Huihung Lin (front of procession right) and Pinghua Wang (left) lead Tzu Chi volunteers and guests in Buddhist sutra practice in Tzu Chi's first office in New York. Tzu Chi volunteers Fengyu Tseng (right), Hsiuhua He (second right), and Hsiuyun Lu (third right) are in attendance, among others. Photo/Tzu Chi USA New York Chapter

❷ Brooklyn Office

On June 21, 2015, Brooklyn Office volunteers hold their first street cleaning event. They eagerly take to the streets to demonstrate Tzu Chi’s eco-friendly practices within the community. Photo/Chenping Cheng
Kaihsing Lin, who heads the Brooklyn Office, enjoys a game of tug of war with Brooklyn kids and residents. Photo/Hui Liu

❸ Long Island Branch

On September 8, 1995, the Long Island Branch is established, attracting many local residents to join as volunteers on the same day. Participating in the celebration are Tzu Chi volunteers Shuyuan Chang, Chinghua Li, I’chih Liu, Lingman Lu, Hsiaochung Chao, Hsiangchih Yen, Meihua Yang, Hsiaoling Huang, and Meimei Chen. Photo/Pilien Kuo
The Long Island Branch hosts the Thousand Person Year-End Blessing Ceremony on January 7, 2012, featuring hundreds of Tzu Chi volunteers, Tzu Chi Academy students, and members of Tzu Chi Collegiate Associations and Tzu Chi Youth Groups from the Greater New York metropolitan area. The ceremony is attended by more than 1,800. Photo/Peter Lin

❹ Manhattan Family Service Center

Following the 9/11 attacks in 2001, Tzu Chi volunteers in New York distribute aid at the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association in Chinatown to support the individuals and businesses that were affected. Photo/Tzu Chi USA New York Chapter
In October 2012, after Hurricane Sandy, Tzu Chi volunteers in New York set aside their work to focus entirely on providing hot meals for those affected by the disaster. Photo/Peter Lin

❺ Tzu Chi Center for Compassionate Relief

On October 13, 2019, Buddhist masters from the Jing Si Abode in Taiwan, senior volunteers from the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation's global headquarters and the U.S. national headquarters gather in New York City to celebrate the opening of the Tzu Chi Center for Compassionate Relief in Manhattan. Photo/Peter Lin
During the Uprooted: Compassion After Displacement exhibition held at the Tzu Chi Center for Compassionate Relief in June 2023, featuring Tzu Chi's aid for refugees globally, Debra Boudreaux (right), Tzu Chi USA CEO, shares about Tzu Chi’s assistance for Ukrainian refugees in Poland. Photo/Tzu Chi Center for Compassionate Relief

❻ Boston Service Center

Chingwei Tsai (right), who planted the first seed of the Boston Service Center, likes to say that it didn’t matter that she didn’t know how to cook vegetarian dishes, as she could always ask Chinese restaurants to donate dishes, sell them, and donate the proceeds to Tzu Chi. In this way, she could help Master Cheng Yen carry out her charity work. Photo/Tzu Chi USA New York Chapter
During the 1998 Chinese New Year “Prayers for Blessings” event, Tzu Chi volunteers Chinhung Chang (left), Heng Chuang (second left), Hsiangda Chen (third left), Chingwei Tsai (third right), Aihao Tsao (second right), and I’shan Chang (right) light candles representing the love in their hearts before passing them on. To this day, Boston Service Center volunteers continue to pass on their care in the communities they serve. Photo/Tzu Chi Global Headquarters

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