

Dharma Master Cheng Yen responds to questions and comments from visitors, volunteers, staff, and disciples.

Be Free, at Ease, and Content

Question: What is a goal of life worthy of pursuing?

Answer: If we can take good care of our own minds to the point of perfection, our minds will be free and at ease. This is the happiest life to live.

Give to Others; Demand of Ourselves

Question: What is the purpose of life?

Answer: It is to serve others to enable everyone to be happy. If we regard it as our own fundamental duty and give unconditionally, it will not be difficult. When we give, we give to others; when we demand, we should demand of ourselves.

Recognize the Value of Life

Question: How can we inspire the mindset of saving others?

Answer: We must first awaken to the meaning of life and understand what is most valuable. After thinking about this, I have come to believe that there is nothing more valuable than life itself. If we can fully recognize the value of life, we will naturally respect life. With the sentiment of respecting life, we will be awakened sentient beings, and we will be able to love and protect all lives equally and universally.

Excerpts from Illuminations: Words of Insight from Dharma Master Cheng Yen, Volume 1 compiled by the Jing Si Sangha Editorial Team (Jing Si Publications, 2022).

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