

In the fall of 2024, central Florida was hit by Hurricanes Helen and Milton.


2024年9月26日「海倫颶風」(Hurricane Helene)從佛羅里達州佩里市(Perry, Florida)登陸,一路往北對沿途經過的佛羅里達州、喬治亞州(Georgia)、北卡羅萊納州(North Carolina)、南卡羅萊納州(South Carolina)、維吉尼亞州(Virginia)和田納西州(Tennessee)造成嚴重衝擊。全美超過230人罹難,逾百人是北卡州居民,「海倫颶風」也成為繼2005年「卡崔娜颶風」(Hurricane Katrina)後,美國本土二十世紀以來第二大的颶風災害。

甫經歷「海倫颶風」肆虐的佛州居民,約兩週後於10月9日再度遭遇「彌爾頓颶風」(Hurricane Milton)侵襲。佛州中部各地出現至少48個龍捲風,狂風暴雨在佛州中部留下一道深深的傷痕。

由於災區幅員廣大,南加州慈濟美國總會(S. California)、華府(Washington D.C.)、奧蘭多(Orlando, FL)與邁阿密(Miami, FL)等地志工,紛紛動員深入重災區進行勘災,並緊鑼密鼓籌備賑災發放,要趕在感恩節前,讓無助的災民能收到現值卡。


慈濟美國總會與華府分會志工組成前勘團,於10月14日至10月17日前往北卡州阿什維爾市(Asheville, NC)與鄰近山區城鎮勘災。

Volunteers arrived in North Carolina on October 14 and first consulted with the city’s Red Cross Society to confirm information about the disaster area.
前勘團10月14日到達北卡州,先與該市紅十字會會商,確認災區訊息。攝影/門海梅(Jaime Puerta)
CEO & deputy CEO of the DC region, led a disaster investigation team to visit the Red Cross distribution station in Asheville on October 15.
Volunteers were surveying the disaster in Black Mountain, NC on October 14, and used the light of their mobile phones to help Cathy Poole, a disaster victim who has lived there for 43 years, fill out a disaster relief application form
志工10月14日在北卡州黑山鎮(Black Mountain, NC)勘災,以手機燈光協助在當地住了43年的災民凱西(Cathy Poole)填寫賑災發放申請表。攝影/門海梅(Jaime Puerta)
Volunteers visit to "The Orange Peel", and the picture on the right is a visit to "Echo Mountain Recording Studio"
Volunteers visit to "The Orange Peel", and the picture on the right is a visit to "Echo Mountain Recording Studio"

勘災團另一重要任務是確認發放場地,因此志工在10月15日密集走訪當地多個大型會場。左圖是到「橘皮音樂廳」(The Orange Peel),右圖是到「回聲山錄音室」(Echo Mountain Recording Studio)場勘。攝影/門海梅

Volunteers received 500 eco-friendly blankets urgently delivered to the disaster area by the Mid-Atlantic region.
Volunteers first distributed environmentally friendly blankets at the MANNA FoodBank distribution point on October 17.
前勘團10月17日在「瑪哪食物銀行」(MANNA FoodBank)發放點先行發放環保毛毯,民眾對保暖的毛毯豎起大拇指。攝影/門海梅


佛羅里達州奧蘭多志工在2024年10月5日,驅車兩個多小時到佛州西岸「坦帕灣」(Tampa Bay, FL)周邊社區,進行「海倫颶風」災區勘災。10月15日再度重返「坦帕灣」,確認社區在經歷「彌爾頓颶風」後的災況。

Carmen, a resident of Tampa Bay who was affected by the disaster, gestured to the wall to explain the height of the flooding to the volunteers who visited on October 16
Volunteers surveyed the damage at Madeira Beach near Tampa Bay on October 5 and asked victims about their damage.
志工10月5日在「坦帕灣」周邊的「瑪黛拉灘」(Madeira Beach)勘災,詢問災民受損情況。攝影/楊甦蘇


為關懷遭遇「彌爾頓颶風」侵襲的重災區皮爾斯堡(Fort Pierce)社區,邁阿密志工在10月21日開了兩個多小時的車,在合作夥伴紅十字會志工引導下至「西班牙湖鄉村俱樂部村」(Spanish Lake Country Club Village)老人社區勘災。

Debris from buildings removed from tornado damage was piled higher than people.
Red Cross volunteer Faye Evans (centre) explains to volunteers that houses torn apart by tornadoes can only be completely demolished.
紅十字會志工菲伊·埃文斯(Faye Evans,中)向志工說明,遭遇龍捲風撕裂的房舍只能完全拆除。攝影/蘇素珍


Volunteer comforting hurricane survivor whom's in tears.
Volunteers walking in lines
Young volunteer packing eco blankets

華府分會匯聚當地志工78人次,於11月9日星期六在北卡州阿什維爾市與貝克斯維爾市(Bakersville, NC),以及11月10日星期日在阿什維爾市展開賑災,三場發放援助223戶家庭,發出總計132,600美元的現值卡。攝影/海克特

local volunteers from Tampa held a distribution ceremony in Tampa, FL on Saturday, November 9th for families hit by two consecutive hurricanes

德州分會、奧蘭多聯絡處、邁阿密聯絡處與坦帕本地志工49人,於11月9日星期六在佛州坦帕市(Tampa, FL),為接連遭遇兩個颶風衝擊的家庭舉辦發放,嘉惠64個家庭,發出50,400美元的現值卡。左圖攝影/趙甫錡;右圖攝影/林書賢


